Time, The Best Inventions of 2022. Strap Technologies Ara

Each year, TIME acknowledges products, programs and services that  solve pressing problems in a creative fashion. They then evaluate each contender based on a number of key factors, including originality, creativity, effectiveness, ambition, and impact. This year we were honored with a special mention. Our company developed technology that is changing the way blind people navigate the world today. Thank you team for all your hard work and effort with Ara, and a big thank you to our entire community for walking throughout this journey with us.

SPECIAL MENTION: Wearable tech may provide more autonomy for millions of people who are either blind or live with uncorrectable vision loss. Ara, a lightweight rechargeable device that uses sensors to detect objects much like a driverless car does, is worn on the chest and can detect obstacles not only at ground level (like a cane) but also at head and chest levels and communicates their location to the wearer through sequenced vibrations- BY LESLIE DICKSTEIN in TIME

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